Who We Are

A particular passion for produce

We love bringing you exceptional food. We reckon it’s up there with the very best in the world.  We’re hugely proud to play a part in working with our growers so you and your family can enjoy it all. And here’s where you can find out more about why we do what we do.

Our Story

Want to know how it all began back in 1948? Our origin story, a tale as tasty as our fruit and veg, involves a bathtub and beetroot. And a shed. Find out more here.

Our Values

We believe in championing natural produce and in making it easy to cook up healthy, tasty and popular dishes for the whole family. Find out more here.

Our Producers

Meet our family of award-winning Scotty Brand producers. They’re out there all year round, working the land to bring us the highest quality produce. So we can bring it to you. Find out more here.

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