Cherry, Halloumi & Avocado Salad

Cooks In
Cooking Time 10


100g Scotty Brand Cherries
1 avocado
1 block of halloumi
1 large romaine lettuce (or other lettuce of your choice)
Small handful of fresh coriander
Small handful of fresh mint leaves
Splash of Lime juice


  1. Dice the halloumi into small chunks. On a medium heat, fry in a dry pan until golden on both sides - then set aside.

  2. Wash then dry the lettuce (if not prewashed).

  3. Dice the avocado and roughly chop the mint and coriander.

  4. Wash, destone then chop the Scotty Brand cherries into quarters.

  5. Arrange all ingredients in a large salad bowl and finish with a generous squeeze of lime juice and enjoy!

This recipe was created & photographed by Little Lady of Leith.


Cherry, Raspberry & Vanilla Smoothie
Upside down Cherry Cake

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