Potato Pancakes With Smoked Salmon & Chives

Cooks In
Cooking Time 15


300g Scotty Brand left over mashed or roast Potatoes
40g cream cheese
85g plain flour plus extra for dusting
1 egg
150g smoked salmon
30g fresh chives, finely chopped
Olive oil for frying
sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4-5.

  2. Mash your left over potatoes with the cream cheese and a generous pinch of salt and pepper.

  3. Add the flour and egg and mix thoroughly with a fork or a metal spoon.

  4. Working with your hands, form a ball with the dough. Try not to overwork it, you just want it all to combine.

  5. Dust with flour and on a floured surface, shape the dough into a circle that is 1cm thick using your hands.

  6. Using a cutter or glass, shape the pancakes, re-rolling the left over pieces once you’ve cut the first shapes. Use a spatula to lift the pancakes into the pan, they’re delicate and will get bent out of shape if you use your hands.

  7. Heat a little butter over a medium heat in a frying pan. Fry the pancakes until brown on each side, then place on baking parchment in the oven for 15 minutes until cooked through.

  8. Serve hot from the oven with the smoked salmon, fresh lemon, black pepper and chives.

These are also wonderful with smokey bacon & poached eggs, or even a classic Eggs Benedict – Yum!


Mini Christmas Pudding Potato and Salmon Croquettes with Dill Tartare Sauce
Smoked salmon Tartare, Millefeuille with Picked Fennel

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