Raspberry & Dark Chocolate Torte

Cooks In
Cooking Time 40


50g Fresh Scotty Brand Raspberries
Approx. 40 more Scotty Brand Raspberries For Decoration
225g Dark Chocolate
175g Unsalted Scottish Butter
Seeds of 1 Fresh Vanilla Pod
¼ tsp Coffee Granules
100g Toasted Pecan Nuts
2 Heaped tbsp Plain Flour
½ Tsp Table Salt
5 Medium Eggs
140g Golden Caster Sugar
4 Tbsp Raspberry Jam
Chantilly Cream, to serve

For The Glaze
140g Dark Chocolate
100ml Scottish Double Cream


  1. Heat oven to 160C / Fan 140C / Gas Mark 3.

  2. Line the bases of two 23cm cake tins with non-stick baking parchment. Slowly melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave; leave to cool. Stir in the vanilla seeds and coffee powder until smooth.

  3. Blend the Pecan Nuts in a food processor until finely ground, gradually add the flour and salt, transfer to a bowl. Whisk the eggs with an electric mixer for 5 mins, until doubled in volume. Slowly add the sugar, whisk for a further 1 min more. Fold in the chocolate mixture until combined. Sprinkle over half the flour mixture and carefully fold in, then the other half.

  4. Divide equally between the two tins and bake for about 15 mins, test with a skewer to see if it comes out slightly sticky – the sponges should be slightly undercooked. Cool in the tin, and then turn out onto a wire rack.

  5. Take of the two sponge bases, set it on a serving plate. Crush 12 raspberries and stir in the Jam, Spread on the base, and then top with the other second sponge.

  6. For the glaze, bring the cream to the boil, pour it over the chocolate and whisk until smooth. Leave for a few mins until it begins to thicken, carefully spread over the top and sides to cover, leave to cool.

  7. Completely cover the Torte with fresh Scotty Brand Raspberries. Chill for up to 24 hrs. Remove from fridge 1 hr before serving, dust with icing sugar, and serve with Chantilly cream.


Cherry & Chocolate Blondies
Cherry Turnover

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