Smoked Salmon Tartlet, Truffle Scented Scrambled Eggs

Cooks In
Cooking Time 45mins


200g Scotty Brand Smoked Salmon
400g flour
200g butter
A pinch of Salt
Cold water
2 large free-range eggs
6 tbsp single cream
1 knob butter
A few drops of truffle oil


  1. Set oven to 180 ◦c.

  2. Rub fat into the flour with the salt.

  3. Add just enough cold water to bring it together.

  4. Allow to rest.

  5. Roll out and line 4 tartlet tins (eight cm 4).

  6. Bake blind for 15 minutes with beans weighting down the pastry.

  7. Remove the beans and bake for a further 5 minutes until pastry is golden brown.

  8. Heat up a non-stick pan and add the butter (be careful not to burn the butter).

  9. Mix the egg with the cream and a pinch of salt.

  10. Pour into the pan and leave to stand for 20 seconds.

  11. Stir gently with a wooden spoon, lifting and folding it from the bottom of the pan.

  12. Leave for another 10 seconds and stir again.

  13. Cook until eggs are very lightly set.

  14. Add the truffle oil and then spoon into tartlet case.

  15. Serve Scotty Brand Smoked Salmon on top of each tart.


Smoked Salmon, Cheese Scone Canapes
Smoked Salmon Tacos & Avocado Salsa

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