Strawberry Slices

Cooks In
Cooking Time 2.5 hrs


400g (2 packs)Scotty Brand Strawberries
125g unsalted butter
200g digestives
800g (4 packets) full fat soft cheese
6 tbsp icing sugar
1 glass dish


  1. Crush the biscuits and melt the butter in a pan before combining them to make the base of your slice.

  2. Line the dish with baking parchment and then flatten the biscuit mixture into the dish, put this in the fridge for 30 minutes.

  3. Using two bowls, mix 3 tablespoons of icing sugar with two packets of soft cheese and set aside.

  4. Blend 100g of strawberries and add to one of the bowls of soft cheese (this will turn it pink).

  5. Layer the bowl with icing sugar and soft cheese on top of the biscuit mix and put into the freezer for 1 hour.

  6. Layer the pink soft cheese onto the mixture and put into the freezer for an hour.

  7. Slice 100g of strawberries on top of the strawberry slice.

  8. Portion out the Strawberry Slice and serve with extra Scotty Brand Strawberries.

This recipe was created & photographed by Giraffe’s Food Adventure.


Cherry, Halloumi & Avocado Salad
Strawberry & Cream Puff Slice

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